If your skin is the color of cold, the colour of white, pink water, Blue-gray, black pearl beads are your good choice.If your skin blong to warm colour, White teeth, coral red, warm gray pearls are your good options. If your face is partial short, neck is also short, long necklaces to choose, more than collarbone is the best.
When match clothing ,color can not be ignored. If the pearl necklace modeling is very complicated very exaggerated,Clothing should be simple, as a bright spot as the standard. When clothing contrast, Jewelry color to echo the main contact, when the clothes are the same or similar color, the colour of accessories should be as embellishment for contrast color
If you want the simple circle,you can use silver single string. but it should be small-circle.Round pearl beads of elections around the 10 mm color can be best used clothes with white black and purple.
If you want to exaggerate the atmosphere, the choice of pearls and beads on the single pearl necklace of that very long species, with different colors laps around the zone is your good choice. for example, black and white, you can wear white black trousers and shirts, with extremely long white pearls and black pearls, and plus laps around.
when you choose pearl beads, the diameter of pearl beads should not be ignored. the size of 6.5mm or 7.0 mm are ok. 7.5mm is a little large. It is suitable for 40-year-old woman wear. In the other hand, South sea pearl beads of about 8-12 mm is good.In Japan diameter in 7-9 mm are also good